
由LChang著作·2014·被引用23次—Giantmagnetoresistanceisthelargechangeinelectricalresistanceofmetalliclayeredsystemswhenthemagnetizationsoftheferromagneticlayersare ...,購買GiantMagnetoResistanceSensor(GMR)Magnetoresistive(MR)Sensors。e絡盟台灣提供優惠價格、當日出貨、快速運送、充分庫存、資料表與技術支援。,Giantmagnetoresistance(GMR)isaquantummechanicalmagnetoresistanceeffectobservedinmultilayersc...

A brief introduction to giant magnetoresistance

由 L Chang 著作 · 2014 · 被引用 23 次 — Giant magnetoresistance is the large change in electrical resistance of metallic layered systems when the magnetizations of the ferromagnetic layers are ...

Giant Magneto Resistance Sensor (GMR) Magnetoresistive ...

購買Giant Magneto Resistance Sensor (GMR) Magnetoresistive (MR) Sensors。e絡盟台灣提供優惠價格、當日出貨、快速運送、充分庫存、資料表與技術支援。

Giant magnetoresistance

Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) is a quantum mechanical magnetoresistance effect observed in multilayers composed of alternating ferromagnetic and ...

Giant Magnetoresistance

GMR is observed in films consisting of alternate ferromagnetic (FM) and nonmagnetic layers, as a large change in resistance with applied magnetic field. The ...

Giant Magnetoresistance | Evgeny Tsymbal

Like other magnetoresistive effects, giant magnetoresistance (GMR) is the change in electrical resistance of some materials in response to an applied ...

Giant Magnetoresistance

由 I Ennen 著作 · 2016 · 被引用 186 次 — The giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect is a very basic phenomenon that occurs in magnetic materials ranging from nanoparticles over ...

Giant Magnetoresistive GMR 數碼隔離器

Giant Magnetoresistive GMR 數碼隔離器在Mouser Electronics有售。Mouser提供Giant Magnetoresistive GMR 數碼隔離器的庫存、價格和資料表。


巨磁阻效應(英語:Giant Magnetoresistance,縮寫:GMR)是一種量子力學和凝聚體物理學現象,磁阻效應的一種,可以在磁性材料和非磁性材料相間的薄膜層(幾個奈米厚) ...

巨磁阻(Giant Magnetoresistance)原理

2011年1月6日 — 巨磁阻(Giant Magnetoresistance)原理 ... 當電子通過鐵磁性物質時,當電子的自旋方向與鐵磁性物質排列方向相同時,則電子較容易通過,其所受的磁阻較小( ...